How to: Pack under 7kg for a 7-day trip (with laptop)

Most low-cost airlines would charge extra for check-in baggages, and what’s worse is that they limit your carry on baggage to 7kg! Earlier this month I bought an impulse trip to Da Nang, Vietnam taking advantage of the Hong Kong Express $88 ticket flash deal. To keep the costs low, I’ve unchecked all the extras and taken on the 7kg challenge.

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Great Success!

Packing tips

Most packing guides would tell you to leave your electronics behind. But for remote workers that is not a sound advice. You shouldn’t have to invest in expert travel gear for such a short trip either. If you require extra gadgets, try nomad packing lists or Nomad Loot. Here are some quick tips:

    1. Transfer your toiletries and makeup into small bottles. Don’t forget they have to be under 100mL and fit in a Ziploc bag. Read up on what your hotel supplies.
    2. As much as tip #1 matters, the liquids policy is not strictly enforced at some airports. Bring it if you must, but make sure it’s okay to lose too.
    3. You don’t need 7 sets of clothes for 7 days.  Reuse pieces and do laundry.
    4. Charge up before you go. Or bring a spare battery instead of the charger.
    5. Do the rain check. Weather can be unpredictable, bring an umbrella or a rain coat.
    6. Leave space for souvenirs.  Expect the weight of your backpack to go up on the way back, so don’t pack exactly 7kg.
    7. Stay organised. Sort small items like make up and underwear into bags so they don’t get lost in the depths of your backpack.

What’s in my backpack?

I used a JanSport 31L backpack, which weighs 0.6kg on its own.

1. Clothings

5 tops
4 pairs of shorts
1 pair of trousers (I wore them)
1 cardigan
1 loosely knitted jumper
1 beach cover-up
1 set of swimwear
5 sets of underwear
7 pairs of socks


  • If you’re travelling to a hot country like Vietnam you can get away with thinner materials. I’ve weighed them, linen shorts is a lot lighter than denims.
  • If you’re going to temples, you might need something to cover your arms and legs.
  • Wear your heaviest clothes. Put on your cardigan and your jewelleries when you’re boarding. I find harems comfortable for plane rides as cabins can be cold. 
  • Lace underwear is quick drying if you wish to do laundry. You can use pantyliners to keep the cotton parts clean.

2. Shoes

1 pair of trainers (I wore them)
1 pair of flip flops


Pocket tissues
Shampoo and conditioner in small bottles
Face wash
Make up remover



4. Make up

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This varies a lot between individuals. Just don’t bring your entire eyeshadow palette. Samples are great if you have any. You could also use your fingers for application and skip the brushes. 

5. Gadgets

13″ Macbook Air (1.08kg)
Laptop charger (300g)
Lightening cable to charge my phone from my laptop
SD card adapter
Neoprene laptop sleeve (not in photo)


6. Others

Padlock – to lock my backpack
Selfie stick – but it was never used 😦
Soap paper – to do laundry in the sink/tub
Sunscreen and mosquito repellent –  I thought I could buy it there but haven’t actually came across any shops that sell them. I wasn’t sure how I could bring them without violating the liquids policy


I also wore a cross body bag for my wallet, phone and passport.

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